CCL - Carrot Communications Ltd.
CCL stands for Carrot Communications Ltd.
Here you will find, what does CCL stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Carrot Communications Ltd.? Carrot Communications Ltd. can be abbreviated as CCL What does CCL stand for? CCL stands for Carrot Communications Ltd.. What does Carrot Communications Ltd. mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of CCL
- Communication Command Language file (Intalk)
- Commodity Control List
- Carnival Corporation
- Commerce Control List
- Contaminant Candidate List
- Common Command Language
- Computational Chemistry List
- Couple to Couple League
View 689 other definitions of CCL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CCH Centre for Collaborative Health
- CTC Critical Thinking Company
- CIT Cork Information Technology
- CESO Community Employment Services Oxford
- CAM Center for Advanced Medicine
- CMBPM CMB Property Management
- CWT Creative Ways Technologies
- CFC Cerise Fine Catering
- CV Club del Vino
- CML Create the Movement LLC
- CJC Cluj Javascripters Community
- CVMJ CV. Mitra Jaya
- CWA Chester Water Authority
- CFA Cognition Forge As
- CTCS City Tree Christian School
- CNE Clinical and Nonclinical Experts
- CCI Cornerstone Courier Inc.
- CFC Chris Family Chiropractic
- CCC City Collision Center